Tuesday, May 27, 2008

At the Garden Store

Crocs on a Wall
Armstrong Gardens, Carlsbad, California

Crayola Box Fungi were found in several pots in this one spot. It got me to think that most people would buy one or 3 of these and place them around their garden, but having a whole garden of these would be quite a sight!

Spherical Self Portrait

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jacky and Grubs. Yes, that is a giant menu he is holding. And, yes, those are giant deep-fried grubs on the menu. This was in a popular restaurant in Dong Guan, China.

It was my 1st trip to Asia and I figured "What the hell, I'll give it a try". We ordered the Platter O' Giant Grubs and, as much as I would like to say otherwise, they were delicious. (You really have to know how to handle your chopsticks with these puppies.) I liked them so much I ate 2! These were so big they were two-biters and the one thing I did not do was to look inside after the first bite. I knew that if I did look inside, I would either not continue eating them or blow chunks.

Monday, May 5, 2008

In an artsy area of L.A. known as Silverlake, this Phantom Billboard had been blank for a few weeks. Then one day, just out of the blue, this appeared on it. Was it the work of a rogue artist? As I stopped to take the picture, the owner of the home to the left came out and also commented on how cool and odd the "new" billboard was. I don't know if it's still there as I have not been in that area for a while. But, for that small stretch of my daily commute, it brightened my day just a little more.

Psychedelic Zoo
Stopping at one of my favorite areas in all California, Pacific Grove, we came across this one of a kind little store called Tessuti Zoo. Most of the creatures are original and made in the store! This is a great place to find that unusual and colorful gift for anyone who is hard to shop for. I talked to the owner and told her what a big hit this store would be in the Hollywood area. She said that she and her partner would not be able to keep up with the demand and maintain its originality and uniqueness if they opened other stores. They don't even have a website! So, if you're looking for that unique gift, I guess you'll just have to make a road trip up to beautiful Pacific Grove. Bummer! ;-)

Pinnacles Tree was taken during a road trip to Pinnacles National Monument near Soledad, Callifornia, with my friend, Barney. This was our last stop before heading back home. It was a hot day, as you can see the sun blaring behind this tree. The rangers insisted that all hikers bring water with them due to the heat, desolation and lack of water on the trail. Along the trail I found some of the biggest pine cones I have ever seen and there were a couple of caves that we got to explore.

I Bet He Would Too!